Friday, January 27, 2006

Release the Hounds!

For devotees of the TV show, The Simpsons, the phrase “release the hounds” is comically familiar. Mr. Burns, the show’s resident curmudgeon, uses it when people trespass on his lavish estate. Liberals have much in common with Mr. Burns. They are forever “releasing the hounds.” Conservatives entering a room, whispering a thought, or bending to pray while in liberal territory offer fresh meat to crazed canines. Drat! I hear dogs in the distance, probably because I wrote the word ‘pray,’ and it was carried on the wind to some liberal. Quaking with indignation and grinding his teeth, he is removing the collar from his pit bull (yes, vicious pit bulls get to live in a liberal world, but the unborn do not).

In the lavish socialist state that is California, conservative ideas are routinely kept out by hound-like liberals. In fact, lack of free speech has been going on for so long in some areas of California, that being indoctrinated like they are, they think that everyone participating in a conversation feels just like they do on every subject. In this insular world, liberals live like baying hounds at the ready. A typical example is the recent case of vandalism on a mass transit service. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland's Respect Life Ministry placed ads throughout the metro system asking the question, “Abortion, have we gone too far?” It’s a legitimate question. Religious scholars have debated questions pertaining to life’s sanctity for centuries, if not millennia, and will continue to do so for ages after those present today are dead and gone. The myopic Left, thinking as they do that all relevant questions were posed and answered in the 1960’s, threw a tantrum over the question. Apparently, even posing questions now releases the hounds. The local paper reported that the ads were “defaced with markers, had stickers placed over them or have been torn down and ripped up…‘The defacement has taken to religious epithets, profanity, everything you can think of,’… A billboard…was torn to shreds….” Bottom line: the hounds have been out in force tearing free speech to shreds.

It’s quite obvious from this little incident that liberals dogs chew on the bone of free speech when they see fit (I like ‘liberals dogs.’ It’s so reminiscent of communism, which the Left adores, so they can hardly be offended if I use one of their own catch phrases). While conservatives have patiently let the dross that is liberal thought drown society in endless speech, liberals tremble in fear that one woman might not want an abortion if she reads a sign while taking mass transit. Clearly they don’t want women to think for themselves, and clearly they don’t believe in a woman’s right to choose, since they don’t want any woman to be educated about any choice but abortion. Liberals regularly send out ‘big dogs,’ such as Sen. Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi to attack others without mercy, but when conservatives send out a chihuahua-sized ad campaign with an alternative idea, the liberal pack throws itself into a feeding frenzy over ad paper. What to do? Free access to food for thought will not only reveal liberal weaknesses but also, like a good spaying, will abate their rabid aggression. So pour a lot more conservative free speech onto the lawn, and then, “Release the hounds!”

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Down on the Plantation

I’ve never lived on a plantation—too expensive, too humid—a tidy one-bedroom in a dry climate is more to my style, but apparently Hillary Clinton knows all about plantations. In fact, I’m quite sure she’s very familiar with what it takes to run a plantation, as she has been the missus in several ‘big, white houses on the hill’ over her lifetime. She even has experience in selling employees down the river, as she heartlessly did in Travelgate, as well as in--tsk, tsk--taking what she wants: all those gifts belonging to the Nation that went to her new house. If she thinks that the U.S. House of Representatives (democratically elected by the way) is run like a plantation, well, seems like she would surely know…

Why, it mus’ ta bin hard to a bin in dose fancy plantation houses, holdin’ a sway o’er da lives of dem workers, invitin’ da high and mighty fo’ dinna, fussing ov’r dem pretty ballgowns, and a sendin’ her daughter to private schools ta be properly educated and meet some nice fellas. Why it mus’ ta bin even harda to a lost all dat pow’r and…whad ya call it, all a dat prestige, yeah, prestige, dat’s it. Po’ Ms. Clinton, she’s a gonna hav’ ta make dem ballgowns outta curtains now, jus’ like po’ Miss Scarlett O’Hara did fo’ Mis’er Rhett Butler. And not ta be allowed to taulk in dat dere House o’ Representatives…wooo eeeee, how Ms. Clinton, she does like ta taulk…dat must a git her down. She ain’t even in dat House, but not a being allowed ta taulk all o’ dat nonsense she taulks, well, dat a git a woman down, real down. She’d a feel bedda, ifin she could jus’ be anointed…no, dat’s not it…appointed, yeah, dat’s it, appointed head o’ dat House, altho’ jus’ betwixt you ‘n’ me, I’s a thinkin’ she likes dat uder House bedda, dat dere White House. Dat big white one on da hill, wid da columns, jus’ like down south. Ya kno’, hav’ it ta remind her a ol’ times, instead o’ havin’ to cowtow to dem dem-o-cra-ti-cal-ly e-lect-ed officials. They ain’t bedda dan Ms. Clinton. Why, jus’ you wait ‘n’ see. When Ms. Clinton gits pow’r, she’s a gonna put dem in dere place, yessir, yessir. ‘N’ all o’ dis he’e free speech it’ll be done wid, jus’ like in da 60’s. Dem conservatives, why, den they’ll hav’ ta as’ Ms. Clinton’s permission to speak. Den da world will be a betta place, jus’ like in plantation days. Yessir, Ms. Clinton’s gonna take care o’ all o’ us, jus’ like ifin we was her own chil’en. Yessir, bedda days a comin’ fo’ sure when Ms. Clinton runs the plantation.

Hmmmm, if the democratically elected House of Representatives is run like a plantation, as Ms. Clinton alleges, does anyone out there really want to be on this so-called plantation when Ms. Clinton takes over the big house? I didn’t think so.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Watery Fog vs. Supreme Memory

I haven’t written anything in a long while. Perhaps I had forgotten that I had a blog. Perhaps I had forgotten where my computer was. Maybe I had forgotten how to write coherently. My memory must have been in a fog. Oh well, now I’ve remembered all three, so here goes.

Listening to the Alito confirmation hearings, memory seems to be a big issue, but not to worry, many things can be done to improve it. Mental note: fax information about memory to committee. But wait, since most of the time, I can’t even remember that there is a Congress, I might have a memory failure about the fax. Yes, memory can be fickle. Senator Kennedy in particular seems distressed about Judge Alito’s memory, even as he has trouble finding the words needed to question the man. Apparently Mr. Alito was once briefly a member of what leftists-on-the-hunt like to label an extreme right-wing group, which is to say, any group that they want to silence so that their free speech may go on unchecked, a la Fidel Castro. I, for one, cannot remember groups that I joined in college, although a disco dance group stands out--go Bee Gees! That’s probably because pairing physical action with memory helps retain the memory, as does using the hearing sense in learning situations.

This makes it all the more amazing that Senator Kennedy remembers next to nothing about a certain fateful night that occurred many years ago. Hummm, perhaps he doesn’t remember that he doesn’t remember, and thus thinks he remembers all and believes all he creates? This may be why Judge Alito fails to remember being the cult-like person with evil intentions that Kennedy conjures up for his followers of personal destruction (TV ratings will be good on this one, Ted. Why don’t you turn it into a video—The Slanderwitch Project?). The Judge remembers perfectly well that it was an unimportant group in his young life and also remembers not being anti-woman, anti-black, or anti-anything else that Kennedy alleges by association, although by doing this, Kennedy certainly remembers to appease the ravenous socialists/communists who now control the Democratic Party. Yes, Alito remembers well.

But how interesting that Senator Kennedy seems to claim a foggy or no memory at all about that watery night long ago when a beautiful young woman died, and how curious that his memory failure is supported by the collective memory failure of the media, whose job is the very essence of chronicling memories. The Senator’s memory loss seems a more grievous error of memory than whether or not someone can remember belonging to a certain collegiate group whose stance he has acknowledged was not his stance then and is not his stance now. Apparently, Kennedy’s watery fog of a memory, of which the media chooses to have no memory so that the public will have no memory (i.e., any information), is more acceptable than a clear memory and opinions freely offered on national TV before the public. To that very public, I submit, which man is more believable: a well-connected, career politician who has no memory of an evening that led to a death, or an ordinary man, thrust into the spotlight by circumstance, who remembers that a group had no consequence in his life then or now? Case closed!