Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Swirling Tides

The swirling tide of ill fortune that hit the Gulf Coast has sucked in an equally swirling mass of humanity either as victims, saviors, or the sludge of humanity. How can we tell these very different types of beings apart?

The Truly Needy—the Truly Needy stretch forth one hand, and barely even that, because they are either too weak, ill, or young to help themselves, or because they have been taught by their parents and their faith to take only what they truly need to help them rebuild their lives. Should by chance they wind up with more than they need, they readily give it to others less fortunate than themselves. In other words, when they are no longer the Truly Needy, they stop thinking of themselves as victims and turn towards those who still are Truly Needy. The Media would do well to note that victimhood is not a forever state, even though its use for ratings is.

The Truly Rich—the Truly Rich stretch forth two hands, and much more than that, giving up the maximum of time, energy, commitment, and heartfelt compassion that they can afford in order to help the Truly Needy. In other words, someone can be poor and still be Truly Rich. While money is certainly on the list of things to give, money alone does not designate the Truly Rich. In fact, money alone is often used as a reason not to act and not to have to face the more serious moral questions that arise when, for example, you must put others before your own family, actually take a stranger into your home, or close your business and go help. If money is the only thing someone has to give, then it is Truly Rich to give it. Some, unfortunately, can never be Truly Rich, such as the race baiters and class haters, because they tear down and take away rather than build up and bring hope.

The Sludge—the Sludge is made up of a truly toxic mix of supposedly fellow human beings. This slimly sea of humanity includes the fake needy who take much more than they need or simply arrive from under some distant rock to claim money and supplies meant for the Truly Needy. The Sludge includes ideologues, such as biased reporters both foreign and domestic, self-serving politicians, race baiters and class haters (who, interestingly enough, often are or want to become politicians), and criminals who loot and kill (yes, Celine, there really were actual looters, those organized criminals whose interest was not to touch a pair of designer jeans as you so poignantly pleaded that they be allowed to do, but to steal from and harm their fellow human beings. Don’t you think that “noble savage” perspective is really terribly patronizing?)

Hopefully the swirling waters of Katrina have pushed the Truly Needy and the Truly Rich down a common stream where the waters of human kindness and dignity can gather and enrich each other. As for the Sludge that churned up from the Netherworld to try to block that gathering, peaceful stream…well…it is easily buried, burned, or carted away. However, in the days to come, most likely it will be on TV, in government, on the lecture circuit, professionally protesting, or in jail. Don’t let it soil your stuff or your life.


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