Monday, September 26, 2005

Liars, Liars, Pants on Fire

Unfortunately for future generations, the drug-induced, ideological fantasies of the 60’s Generation linger on like stale tobacco fumes. Would that the stench could simply be washed away. Better yet, would that the option of suing for harm caused to health and soul would make them cough up some cash for those of us who have long suffered the pollution spewed from their mouths. Should you wish to sue, here are the Top 10 Reasons to Sue the 60’s Generation:

10) Lack of personal hygiene and slovenliness, which are not virtues, but related to public hygiene and thus have the potential to make your neighbors sick.

9) Overuse of solid or liquid, mind-altering substances, which effects an indirect tax on your neighbors who must pay for your rehab and lost productivity, and sets a bad example for the young. Get sober. Get a job!

8) The promotion of a protest mentality, the constant incivility of which disrepects intellectual discourse, but more importantly makes the young cynical and denies them hope in the future. Try something other than hate and intimidation to get high on.

7) Spreading an anything-goes, do-as-you-please philosophy, which shows youngsters not only that you, but they, don’t need to respect themselves or others. Sexual promiscuity diminishes basic human bonds, which ultimately hurts the family. Yes, the institution of the family is more important than your genitals. Try to learn a little self-control (I know that discipline is hard for you).

6) Enshrining abortion as goodness, where people now accept that babies are an inconvenience to their lifestyles. The 60's Generation gave us the throw-away mentality of abortion on demand (no limits) and coupled it with the men-don't-matter mentality of the feminists. If someone came into your house to harm you, would you try to save yourself and fight back? Babies can't fight back, but you can choose alternatives to abortion (By the way, men matter alot.)

5) “Dumbing down” education by forcing their political agenda into the classroom and pushing critical thinking out. No thinking person wants to mindlessly memorize the ideologies and dogmas of a lost generation (yeah, I’m talking about your 60’s Generation, man).

4) Failing to pass on the Country’s history by willfully removing Civics and Western history and philosophy classes from schools as required knowledge (related to 5 above). I guess it’s better to erase, remove, and change history, than let others read, compare, and make value judgements about it for themselves???

3) Purposely mocking millenniums of religious knowledge while advocating a man-as-god philosophy. Scrawny crackheads, lascivious losers, the perpetually angry, old communists, and shiftless waiting-for-the-right-feeling, middle-age types don’t make good stand-ins for the Deity.

2) Using “diversity” as ram rod to divide and keep divided a country whose motto is E Pluribus Unum or Out of Many, One (highly related to 4 above). Diversity in and of itself has never been proven to be the panacea for anything, but constant division has shown itself to be the sure path to allowing power to concentrate in the hands of a mad few and enslave the rest of us. Unfortunately, madmen and madwomen, dating from the 1960’s, abound.

1) Ultimately denying young people the ability to think for themselves. By throwing out and ridiculing the values and history of their ancestors, whose collective knowledge stretches well beyond the 1960’s, the 60's Generation has failed their own young and future generations, denying them access to a rich past that can inspire their future as the 60’s Generation surely cannot.


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