Monday, August 15, 2005

Fixed in the 60’s

Remember when you were young and you found yourself listening to an older person wax poetic about the past. Remember how you glanced at the clock and sighed heavily when they got to the part about how difficult life had been for them, indirectly implying that you were a slacker. You may have even become a little impudent and snapped back some saucy phrase that implied, "Yeah, that was then, but this is now." Too bad your elders from the 60’s haven’t caught on to this generational fact of life. As they creak into old age (yes, my hippie darlings, you’re aging), they remain firmly entrenched in their 60’s youth, unable and unwilling to notice that time is passing them by. The 60’s generation is still beating the drums of anti-everything and passing their conspiracy theories on to a new generation at home and in schools, not good things to pass on to the next generation. It creates angry, disappointed people, whereas self control and self sacrifice are much better virtues to learn in order to survive and prosper in life. So the next time some 60’s old-timer starts droning on about four decades ago, remind him that drugs, sex, and rock & roll were never suitable life goals for anyone Tell him that he sounds just as out of step with what’s needed now as his parents did talking to him way back when. Yeah, baby, this is now and that was then--move on.


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